To: The United States Senate

USSBDC's Small Business Limited Tax Exemption Petition

Small businesses having fewer than 5 total employees and yielding less than $200,000 gross annual revenues, should have the ability to file for a hardship tax exemption for a period of 3 years.

This should be relevant to those non-profit taxable agencies, proprietors having no more than one business in the last 5 years and applicants must not have active IRS liens or be under federal investigation. Furthermore, must prove they have taken continuing business education in the form of workshops, private institutions or Title IV facilities.

Why is this important?

The goal is to stimulate private enterprise success, job growth and entrepreneur education. Many small businesses fail as a result of lacking federal support. This will assure every community has the ability to thrive. This will also encourage transparency in reporting and give alternative savings leading to stronger long term establishments.

