To: Utah citizens, registered voters--get registered!

Utah Citizens Initiatives

Join an email list to be alerted for potential citizen's referendums. Get your issue on the election ballot. Utah does not accept electronic signatures, but we can build a permanent internet group who can indicate their willingness to download a hard copy, sign it properly, and send it in. We can meet the short deadlines to gather signatures by knowing in advance whether we have a willing pool of signers.

Why is this important?

Help pave a better way for citizens to take more direct action in Utah government than just voting for politicians every couple years.

We can pick the subjects as we go along. As now we could consider reforming the initiative process itself. Or finally doing something about the ethics reform, or what is your subject?

Help build an internet list of 100,000 Utah registered voters willing to be contacted about proposing, and/or downloading and signing, to put various potential initiatives on the election ballots for the people to decide. This is a cumulative, on going process to build something re-usable.

The CountMyVote initiative cost big bucks, but was taken seriously as it got close to success, and lead to a compromise. Time will tell if the new system will work or be undermined. We don't have big bucks--but we do have time on our side.

Full disclosure: I am currently running for House District 46 as a Libertarian. They have no caucus system--I will be on the Ballot in November. When asked what good one Libertarian can do: I can say things people who want party funding can't. Like champion this route to put issues to the vote of the people.