To: Oakland City Council

Utahns say NO to Oakland Coal Port!

Let Oakland City Council know Utahns do not want Oakland coal port!

Why is this important?

It Matters:
The Utah legislature approved an investment of 53 million taxpayer dollars to build a coal port in Oakland, California. There are levels upon levels of potential conflicts of interest ( More importantly is the impact this coal port will have on Utah and Oakland communities. The coal port project is designed to benefit a small few, while Utah coal towns and Oakland families will ultimately bear the burden of the devastating economic, environmental, and health consequences that will inevitably result from the port.

Call to Action:
As Utahns, we have a unique opportunity to add our voice with Oakland’s local leaders - let’s make it count! Tell the Oakland City Council to block this port. Californians do not want it, and neither do Utahns!

Don’t be Fooled:
The money used to fund the Oakland coal port are mineral royalties redistributed to states through the Mineral Lands Act (MLA) for the purpose of rebuilding infrastructure and countering other negative effects of mineral extraction on communities. This money is not intended to be used to build and expand mining, but to help communities recover. There is also no shortage of existing port capacity, which means it is not only a misappropriation of funds - it is unnecessary.

This port is not an investment in the future of Utah or Oakland economies. It is another shady deal made behind closed doors meant to line the pockets of Bowie executives, not the miners in Price, Utah.

Add your name to our petition to voice your support. Visit our website ( for more information or to get involved with our efforts.

For more information, or to verify our claims, follow these links below. We encourage you to do so!

Alliance for a Better Utah website:

No Coal in Oakland website:

WOEIP Says Coal Scheme Violates Civil Right Act:

California Senate moves to Delay Oakland Coal-Export Plant:

If Coal is Too Dirty for the U.S., Why Would Oakland Build a Dock to Export it to Asia?: