To: President Donald Trump, Senator Carl Levin, United States Senate Armed Services Committee, Chairman, Senator John McCain, United States Senate Armed Services Committee, Ranking Member, Patty Murry WA, U.S. Senate Committee on Veterns Aff...

Veteran Wife & Mother left to Die with Late Stage Lyme Disease - Please Sign Petition

Please sign this petition to help this very sick female veteran get the help she needs. She deserves our help, and should not be forced to spend each day alone in bed so sick she can't do anything in a home that is falling down around her because FEMA did not fix it correctly.

Cynthia spent her good years always working and taking care of her family, always busy, and always full of energy. She had symptoms, but pushed through them when they where not as bad. But when they started getting worse her husband and son abandoned her... Robert Chase an Alcoholic and Robert Young her son. She had no one else to depend on. No one deserves that !

Cindy has been in bed since Feb 2002 when she suffered a seizure which made her so unstable she could not get out of bed. She is still rarely able to get out of bed, and unable to find help she needs. She's since had a heart attack and many other maladies that leaves her bed-bound 99 percent of the time. When shes been able to look for help, she's always been rejected. She is a Californian from the High Desert but left her very comfortable life to move to Houston Texas for her Husband "Robert Chase" because he would not move with her .. who deserted her when she became more ill, now starnded with no help and healthcare or services and in a state with hard core attitudes that treat you like a criminal if you are sick.

Cindy is a Veteran, having served 6 years in the Military. She contracted Lyme in the Military, but the Military like many states and area's of the country including most of Texas does not believe in Lyme Disease and would not allow her Veterans Disability Benefits Which she is Due Because she Contracted Lyme Disease While she was in the Military. But, because medical technology did not have a test to test for Lyme Disease they could not test and Diagnose her when she got bitten.

Regarding Social Security Disability .. Even though its a Federally funded program, each state is given wide wide say in how to implement the very same Social Security Disability Program we all Pay into. Vastly Different in each state .. its unreal !! Texas Allots so little back pay for Social Security Disability, no lawyer will take SSI cases because they don't make enough money, shes has had Lyme Disease for many Decades but because technology did not have adequate testing, they could not test for it when she had to quit work because she was to sick to work because testing was not available and Texas is not a Lyme Aware area of the Country .. so she does not qualify for SSDI (work related) soc sec disability.

Her son Robert Young in the Air Force stationed at Vandenberg AFB has never been there to help her, he could not deal with it .. if he would of done a few things to help her get situated (moved back home to CA. where they know about Lyme Disease) where she could of gotten medical care as she asked of him, her situation would be less grave and she would have the care she needed to survive and take care of her self to a great degree. While his Mom Lays there Horribly Ill, he has only thought of himself .. an only child, but that is no excuse. He's refused to help when she called and asked him recently. She is a proud person, has worked hard all her life, never asking for anything. She has strong morale beliefs in how we should treat our fellow man, our family .. no matter who is watching.

Texas Governor Perry has been written 3 times with all the details .. the only thing that was done was her information was given to social services. His office was told that nothing was happening. They would not listen that she is mentally and physically effected and limited by Lyme Disease and Nutrient Depletion's gone untreated and officially undiagnosed (Nutrient Deletions). They are not listening, Adult Protect Services has been abusive in each instance of contact, bullying and intimidating her while she is sick, this was also relayed to the Governor and nothing was done. The Governor's Office has done nothing to deal with that or to help Cynthia's situation. It was expressed so many times that she needed a social worker because she is to ill to deal with most matters on her own without help, her memory being unreliable effects her ability to follow through, remember and to make sense of a lot of things when needed, although she is of sound mind. Almost all matters where ignored and not addressed at all. There has been no personal contact at all !!

In addition, when Hurricane IKE hit (after katrina), fema was very tight with funds because they where still paying for Katrina .. A Huge Shade Tree Slammed down on Cindy's House, but fema only alloted enough for a patch. All the Rafters where structurally effects, you cant patch Structural Damage !! She Appealed fema twice, but fema was less than helpful. The Blue Tarp is Long gone now and water is pouring into Cynthia's Home any time it rains. She cant get help even with a temp tarp to prevent more damage....

Why is this important?

Please sign this petition to help Cynthia get the help she needs and is due as a veteran. We are trying to get Millions of signatures. She has no one to help. If you are willing to help until she gets help please email.
