To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Veterans Justice Army March on Washington- Fall 2012

"Veterans gave their blood. Wall Street took their H.O.P.E. (Homes. Opportunity. Prosperity. Equality.)"

Show your support for our veterans as they form the Veterans Justice Army to march on Washington this fall and demand fair treatment from those legislators who favor Wall Street's greed over their service and sacrifice.

- Enact legislation that gives our veterans the same financial incentives, tax breaks, and access to Washington as banks and corporations.
- Talk about the Veterans Justice Army in the media, the halls of Congress, and with your constituents.
- Invite veterans into your offices and to your meetings to express their concerns.

Why is this important?

"Veterans gave their blood. Wall Street took their H.O.P.E. (Homes. Opportunity. Prosperity. Equality.)"

This fall, 20,000 combat veterans will march on Washington to demand justice from our politicians- justice for abandoning their needs, ignoring their pleas, and selling their dignity (dignity they've earned through blood and sacrifice) to banks, corporations, and the highest bidder.