All of the newest veterans are being targeted for their GI Bill dollars by for profit schools and the Federal student loan system. One vet uses his GI Bill equals $145.000 for schools to use for non veterans per semester!! Defend the GI Bill go to for how to help.
Why is this important?
My son returned from Iraq in 2009 with 80 weeks of medical training that included Combat Medic School and Nursing School at Walter Reed for one year. He applied to Cal State Sacramento for admission to their school of nursing and was told that they do not give any credit for his military training an experiences. I followed the money to find out why. The money trail goes to the 90-10 loophole in the student loan law that gives for profit schools $145,000 in Federal student loans for non veterans. The loophole and the lack of transfer ability of military training keeps veterans in school longer and out of the employment market. HR 4055 will close the loophole but it has little chance of debate on the House floor since the Republican Leadership is blocking it using money that they received from veterans enrollment in their fro profit schools!!