To: Sen. John Barrasso (WY-2)
Vets need more substance than symbolism
Senator Barrasso, stop blocking programs to employ our vets, and start showing them the support they have earned. Reverse your decision on preventing the billion-dollar veterans jobs program from going through; put our money where our mouth is.
Why is this important?
All over Wyoming we see public support for our troops overseas, but just because their tours of duty might end doesn't mean that the debt owed them by their country ends with them. Nonetheless, our troops are coming home to Wyoming and finding it even harder than non-vets to find jobs, housing and support. We can wave all the banners we want, paste all the bumper stickers we can find, but that doesn't put paychecks in veteran hands or roofs over veteran heads.
Recently, Senator John Barrasso voted to block a billion-dollar veterans jobs program, and its time, we in Wyoming, did more to support our troops than bumper stickers and trite reposted pictures on Facebook. Sign the petition today and tell Sen. Barrasso to support our troops with deeds, not words.
Recently, Senator John Barrasso voted to block a billion-dollar veterans jobs program, and its time, we in Wyoming, did more to support our troops than bumper stickers and trite reposted pictures on Facebook. Sign the petition today and tell Sen. Barrasso to support our troops with deeds, not words.