To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Video Cameras for More Police Accountability For Violating Citizens Rights

Police need to be held accountable for violating citizens rights. Too many citizens are being killed and abused over simple misdemeanors. For desk appearance tickets, none violent offences citizens are being arrested and sent to jail for the charges to be dismissed or they are given the desk appearance ticket THEY Should HAVE BEEN Given To BEGIN with. When this happens police need to be charged with a violation. The travesties to these TRIVIAL ARREST can lead to a felony which I believe in the intention. Just as citizens are told ignorance of the law is no excuse, police also need to adhere to the same standard, violating a citizen rights due to ignorance is no excuse and as such, should be just as punishable. As in any other profession you must get instruction or confirmation from your superior if you're not sure, if not, you must suffer the consequences. Too many officers don't suffer any consequences, that's why they continue to violate citizens rights. If they don't KNOW THE LAW then they shouldn't be put in the position to up hold the law. ACCOUNTABLITY of the Superior officer who approves or allows this behavior on their watch needs to be inforced. If officers violate/break the law then they loose their job. No desk duty at regular play no loosing vacation time, they need to get reduction in pay clerical pay while doing clerical work, no rewards while behavior is under review. Until police are charged with false arrest, penalized for wasting the courts time and money, the police will continue violating citizens right because there is no deterrent for them.
When the citizen demands to know why they are being detained and the officer can't give them a legal reason and the citizen objects to being detained and trys to walk away, they are then grabbed, handcuffed then charged with resisting arrest, and any other trumped up charges they choose, whereas they shouldn't have been arrested. Until police are penalized and charged with violating citizens rights and breaking the law, they are suppose to uphold, they will continue to act like they are above the law. This behavior can no longer be accepted because eventually it will make Americans rebel against police acting like terrorist, no better than our counterparts who get tired of injustice. It's time the AMERICAN people to receive JUSTICE and make police accountable.

Why is this important?

Many police are violating citizens rights. Too many citizens are being killed and abused over simple misdemeanors. For desk appearance tickets, none violent offences citizens are being arrested and sent to jail for the charges to be dismissed or they are given the desk appearance ticket THEY Should HAVE BEEN Given To BEGIN with. Until police are charged with false arrest wasting time and money. The police will continue violating citizens right because there is no deterrent for them. When the citizen demands to know why they are being detained and they object, they are then charged with resisting arrest, whereas they shouldn't have been arrested. Until police are penalized and charged with violating citizens rights, breaking the law they are suppose to uphold, they will continue to act like they are above the law.