To: Villas at Oakwel lFarms

Villas at Oakwell Farms: Improve security measures

Prevent car break-ins and other theft from the Villas by improving security measures.

Why is this important?

Villas Property Management,

There has been a sharp increase in car break-ins in our apartment complex during the past few months. The residents of Villas at Oakwell Farms pay to live in a gated community with a security guard with the belief that our property, ourselves, and our loved ones will be safe. Since the car break-ins have increased, the Villas has provided no response to how safety measures will be improved to prevent future break-ins from occurring. We believe this inaction is negligent especially since reports of theft have been increasingly reported to the Villas management. We, the residents, demand:

1. A meeting for the entire apartment complex that addresses the following:
a. Inform residents of all security issues that have occurred in the past 12 months: car vandalism, car break-in, property damage, theft, burglary, and assault and the steps the Villas has taken to address these security issues.
b. Inform residents about security measures the Villas will take including but not limited to:
i. Having security guards make hourly rounds around the entirety of the apartment complex
ii. Installing two security cameras per building
iii. Hiring another security guard, outlining their hours on duty, job description, and frequency and areas of patrol
iv. Timely address of broken gate issues and notifying residents via email or text when the gate is malfunctioning so they can take actions to protect themselves and their property

If preventative measures do not take place within a month, we demand that our rent is decreased by 10% because we no longer live in an apartment complex that can meet our security demands.