To: President Donald Trump

Violating Amendment #1-Freedom of the press

We, the people of the United States of America, demand that the Bill of Rights be respected by The Department of Justice and that a full apology be offered to the Associated Press and that this Violation of our rights ( as the beneficiary of the First Amendment) does not happen again.

Why is this important?

After reading that the FBI had copied the phone calls of the AP reporters, I expected my emails to be flooded with outraged citizens asking me to man the barricades with them and demand that the confidentiality of their sources be respected as inviolate. Sadly, the only request for my signature on a petition was to support the marriage of two characters on a television show. Where is our moral indignation?
Isn't it apparent to everyone that one of our greatest protections comes from the shielding of investigatory press?
No whistle-blower, who may be the only witness to gross fraud, is going to step forward and chance all kinds of retribution without the protection of anonymity until all the facts can be uneartthed.
