To: Kristina A. Wood, Sr. Director, Brooke A. Eckles, Sr. Manager, Rhonda Hoover, Manager, and Peggy Decker, HR Consultant

Violation of Local 105's contract agreement around seniority, and favoritism

I am writing to you concerning violations of our local 105 contract around seniority with your management team. It has been discussed many times that seniority is not being adhered to when our union members are being selected for special privileged assignments. This conversation has taken place multiple times, and yet you are still allowing your management team to select members based on favoritism. If this behavior continues we have no choice but to take further action and tradition behavior is going to be warranted.

Why is this important?

This petition is being created as an awareness that our Local 105 contract is consistently being violated by management. Please help us to remind management that we take our contract seriously. We will no longer sit back and disregard our rights as union members.