To: Scott McGeary, Chair, Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce NOVABizPAC, J.L. Novac, Chair, Northern Virginia Technology Council TechPAC, Ira Agricola, Executive VP for Government Affairs, Hampton Roads Business PAC, and Ryan Dunn, Execut...

Virginia's business community must stand up for LGBT equality

Our business community must promise not to endorse any candidates for statewide office in 2017 who want to adopt the anti-LGBTQ policies that have cost other states' economies millions.

For the past four years, Gov. Terry McAuliffe has stopped our legislature from enacting the kind of anti-LGBTQ legislation that cost NC's economy more than $500M--and he helped bring LGBTQ-friendly companies like CoStar to our Commonwealth on that basis. Discrimination discourages talented people from coming to or staying places that embrace it and hurts communities.

In the 2017 elections, we need to make sure we support a governor, an LG, and an attorney general who will stand up against this kind of anti-LGBTQ and anti-business legislation.

We call on you to refuse to endorse any candidate who won't pledge to veto these job-killing measures.

Why is this important?

As Virginians who want a pro-business, pro-equality future for Virginia, we need leaders who will move our Commonwealth forward.
