To: Hancock County Courts, The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, and Governor Mike DeWine

Voice For Vera, Justice is deserved

we need justice vera deserves justice. Our local system in Hancock county has failed her. New evidence means new charges.

Why is this important?

The Voice for Vera Jo Riegal, we as a community seek Justice for this poor girl's life being taken at the Hands of the Brooks Family. who have admitted to the beating torture and death of this por girl. The sytem has the evidence and has only prosocuted them on minmal charges. they are guilty of the planning and excution of murder, torture abuse and sexual assult of this girl. for days she suffered and now with the evidence received justice should be served.Cheri Brooks the ring leader was passed a slap on the wrist cause she has health issues, well do drug dealers get that no. so because she has issues she should be allowed to murder people. where is the justice in that. the system is suppose to protect us this is not protecting or serving our community. sign this to show your support.
