To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Vote Against The Norquist Pledge
Congress has the Constitutional duty to provide for the general Welfare of the United States. This is primarily done through spending programs, & the power to tax. In the upcoming months, our country must confront a fiscal cliff. Congress must use reason, or the power of the human mind to cope with these difficult issues. The Simpson-Bowles bipartisan report, as well as an overwhelming majority of business economists (NABE poll), have concluded that a combination of higher taxes & lower spending, is the best way to grow the economy, yet reduce the deficit. The Norquist Pledge precludes a member of Congress from supporting Simpson-Bowles, or a similar plan, which we believe advances our common good. Accordingly, the undersigned, hereby pledge to NOT vote for any politician that takes the Norquist Pledge; which precludes compromise, problem solving by use of reason, & above all, confidence in the economic future of our great country.
Why is this important?
All voters in the upcoming November elections, should hereby agree to NOT vote for any politician that takes the Norquist pledge.