To: The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, and Governor Jared Polis

VOTE FOR Senate Joint Resolution SJR13-021 To Create An Interim Committee on Comprehensive Univer...

VOTE FOR Senate Joint Resolution SCR13-021 To Create An Interim Committee On Comprehensive Universal Health Care For Colorado!

Why is this important?

It's time to cut to the chase!!! Colorado can save many more lives and billions of dollars in health costs* by taking a nonprofit cooperative path to financing universal health care! Let's do it! SCR13-021 will now go directly to the floor of the Senate for its 2nd reading (and likely a recorded vote) so there is no time to waste in signing this petition. Thank you!

IF I could show you a way to provide all residents of Colorado with comprehensive quality health services while saving lives and BILLIONS of dollars (I always have to remind myself that it takes a 1,000 times a million dollars for each $1 Billion) in health costs, would you be even a little interested in learning more?

Wouldn't you at least want EACH AND EVERY Colorado legislator to run the numbers, do the arithmetic, in order to save us Coloradans BILLIONS of dollars in health costs? no matter what the elected official's ideology and other biases that may currently favor a status quo that is eating us alive financially? Know anyone who has lost everything given health care costs as they seek to avoid the grim reaper? I certainly do!

* Economist Gerald Friedman has prepared an insightful report for Colorado detailing how we can save MEGA-BUCKS in health costs by 2016 (over $4 Billion) and even more by 2024 (over $18 Billion) while still carrying out the Accountable Care Act (Obamacare), expanding Medicaid in Colorado, and while achieving universal health care for our residents with a nonprofit statewide cooperative!
