To: Sallie Mae

Vote NO CONFIDENCE in Sallie Mae's Board of Directors

Sallie Mae Shareholders: We need more diverse voices on Sallie Mae’s board, voices of those who can speak up for borrowers and our families. Vote NO CONFIDENCE in Sallie Mae’s board of directors and ask for a change in leadership at the company.

Why is this important?

When I signed the contract to take out my loans, I knew I would have to work hard after graduation to pay them back.

I thought Sallie Mae would make that process simple. I was wrong. My bills were sent to the wrong addresses. Payments I made on time were marked late. And it was up to me to fight through hours on the phone to fix it.

After graduation, Sallie Mae sent notifications to my school email and address, which were both deactivated when I left campus. When I started making payments, they never recorded them, so my paper bills had added penalties. I was always on the phone with Sallie Mae trying to fix their mistakes.

Sallie Mae is the country’s largest private student lender, with more than 6 million borrowers owing more than $166 million. I don’t understand how so many mistakes could happen in the lending process.

On June 25, the Nathan Cummings Foundation will present a resolution calling for a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the board of directors at Sallie Mae’s annual shareholders meeting.

We need more diverse voices on Sallie Mae’s board, voices of those who can speak up for borrowers and our families. A vote of NO CONFIDENCE will show the current board members that they can no longer treat their customers with disrespect.

Join me to vote NO CONFIDENCE in Sallie Mae’s board of directors and ask for a change in leadership at the company.

