To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Voter's Rights Investigation
We the people call on the Obama Administration to appoint a non-partisan committee to conduct an investigation of claims of voter suppression and fraud made before, during, and after the 2012 General Election. A report of this investigation will be made available to Congress with action to improve accessibility and accountability of our voting system to be taken prior to the 2014 Mid-term election.
Why is this important?
Even before the 2012 General Election, accusations of voter fraud and suppression were being made in states across the nation. Voter identification laws, restrictions on voting hours and locations, partisan attempts to mis-lead voters, and problems with electronic voting machines must be investigated so that the cornerstone of our democracy - free and fair elections for all, can continue unencombered by any attempt to change, alter or negate the will of the people.