10 signatures reached
To: The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, and Rep. Scott Tipton (CO-3)
Voting rights act
When the Supreme Court wiped out much of the Voting Rights Act, states with racial hatred histories began to remove protection for voters. It's time to stand up against this and refurbish the VRA for the sake of Democracy.
Why is this important?
To protect the rights of all American citizens to have the freedom to vote without curbing those rights to particular groups of people who might vote a certain way. No one knows what is in the heart of any voter no matter skin color, gender, creed, or sexual orientation. What is in each individual's heart no one can possibly read. Voter fraud is miniscule at best. Taking away early voting, Sunday voting, same day registration, shortened voting days, mandatory voter ID's affects millions of American citizens. That is a cheap ruse from one particular party who knows they stand against the majority and are reckless and too insecure to stand by their principles and win of their own accord. It undermines the very essence of what Democracy truly stands for. One person - one vote!