To: Rep. Joe Neguse (CO-2)

Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014

Please cosponsor and fight to improve the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014.
Despite the fact that the bill is bipartisan, it's not guaranteed to pass and we need your help.

Why is this important?

Late last week, Representatives Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and John Conyers (D-MI) and Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced new legislation—the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014—that would strengthen the Voting Rights Act. This bill isn't perfect but is the best vehicle we have for restoring the rights struck down by the Supreme Court last year.1

Improving and passing this bill won't be easy. Already, critics on the right are gearing up to try to kill it, and Speaker John Boehner has yet to commit to bringing it up for a vote.2

Some Republicans are looking to kill any chances of this bill even coming up for debate. The best way to prevent that is to get as much visible support early on. Already, there are nine co-sponsors of this bill—four Republicans and five Democrats. But Rep. Polis isn't one of them. Can you help by asking Rep. Polis to cosponsor?


1. "Members of Congress Introduce a New Fix for the Voting Rights Act," The Nation, January 16, 2014

2. "GOP's next moral disgrace?: How right-wing crazies may kill a voting rights fix," Salon, January 17, 2014