To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Voting with your taxes

1) Voting with our tax money: Income tax reform to include a list of programs that the person owing taxes gets to select for his or her money to be exclusively allocated to.

2) Transparency of government spending: Our government is to tell us a) how much we decided as tax payers to contribute to which programs and b) how much of our taxes the government then spent on what programs. This should be audited by an independent agency.

Why is this important?

I want t a bill that changes our income taxes to include how we want our taxes to be spent by the government. If i don't want my taxes used for war, I think I should have the right to direct the money I give toward what I want: education, environment, infrastructure, medical or scientific research, support of research on eliminating famine, etc etc etc. I respect the right of others to direct their taxes toward the FDA or the CIA or the FBI if they want to.

This would be democracy at its best. A demand for transparency on how the government then sends our money.
