To: The Washington State Senate

WA State Senate: Pass the Washington Voting Rights Act

We have an opportunity to make a dramatic difference in the ability of people to elect a candidate who represents them. Let's pass the Washington Voting Rights Act immediately.

Why is this important?

The Washington Voting Rights Act is about ensuring that every vote that is cast in this state counts. And we know a vote truly counts when the community is reflected in those who hold office. This bill gives our local governments the flexibility, choice, and due process to ensure this fundamental measure of democracy is maintained.

We have an opportunity to make a dramatic difference in the ability of people to elect a candidate that represents them by passing the Washington Voting Rights Act this year. The WVRA will allow us to implement a process where unfair election systems can be challenged and fixed without having to resort to a federal court case. We’ll efficiently and quickly replace inequitable systems with ones that are fair, we’ll elect more people who truly represent the community, and we’ll help our communities thrive.

Democrats and Republicans may have differing views on many things, including civil rights law like this, but we all believe in the inherent right and power of the vote. After years of working on this critical bill, making significant compromises to ensure we can get votes from both sides of the aisle, the time has come to join together in doing what is right and passing the Washington Voting Rights Act immediately.

A more equitable Washington is possible, but we must stand together and demand that our legislators take action. Pass the Washington Voting Rights Act of 2016.
