To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Waive 6-Month Uninsured Requirement to Join High-Risk Pool

I'm extremely disappointed by the health insurance "reform" bill, which is reform in name only and was crafted by and for the greedy, for-profit, private health insurance companies and the politicians they have bought—giving them yet more millions of customers to screw and mandating we all buy from them—while still keeping the link between health insurance and employment in tact. Single Payer was taken off the table at the very beginning. There's no public option (and the votes were there for that under reconciliation), no Medicare buy-in for people under age 65 (because of people like Sen. Joe Lieberman—known as "the Aetna Senator" for a reason), no real enforceable premium caps, etc. Ted Kennedy, who gave President Obama his endorsement at a critical time in the 2008 presidential campaign, must be rolling in his grave!

If you truly want to make Medicare solvent for generations to come while ensuring every American, regardless of preexisting condition, has high-quality, affordable, accessible healthcare, then the solution is simple—Medicare for All. It's about time the U.S. caught up to the rest of the advanced industrialized world and implemented such a plan. Vermont is already doing it; a similar measure just (barely) failed in California because a few previous "Yes" vote Democrats reneged and voted no.

As if all of that wasn't enough, you have to be uninsured for 6 months to join the High-Risk Pool which is an absolutely insane requirement. I have a preexisting condition—I've had Type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes for 25 years—and I had to drop my health insurance on 1/31/2012 because I could no longer afford the $650 per month insurance premiums. The least President Obama could do is to immediately waive that requirement so that millions of people with preexisting conditions, who can least afford to be uninsured, can be insured—Now!

Why is this important?

Open the High-Risk Pool to all Americans without health insurance—and Waive the Requirement that One Must Be Uninsured for at Least 6 Months In Order to Join.