To: The Massachusetts State House and The United States House of Representatives

Wall Street Should not Be Profiting from Student Loans

Wall Street should not be profiting from student loan debt. Remember when we bailed out Sallie Mae. Sallie Mae “the largest student lender, which profits by charging high interest rates on its loans and not refinancing high-rate loans after students graduate. Since 2012 Sallie Mae has profited - $364,855,827.33 from the department of education.

Why is this important?

My petition is about getting someone to listen. It has affected me personally, it has affected my family, it is affecting thousands of students and something needs to change. The for profit colleges that are feeding Sallie Mae need to be controlled. Stop robbing our children, its hard to live a life when your living to pay off a debt so large because the interest rates are so high that you will never pay off your loan. Cant survive if all your money goes to your student loans.