To: President Donald Trump
Walmart and gross corporate corruption.
Stop the massive gross corporate corruption that strips our great American citizen/Walmart workers of their civil and basic human rights and right to justice under the law.
Why is this important?
I worked at Walmart for nearly 10-years before being severely persecuted and fired in direct retaliation for reporting the manager's abusive bullying of a handicapped female colleague. Many other employees saw and heard the abuse and hysterical crying, but due to the catstrophic and devastating effects of massive gross systematic corporate corruption on our American culture, society, and worklace today, they were all afraid to report it, and despite my grueling 2-year legal battle in which I provided absolute proof of flagrant violations of civil and labor laws, and even a police statement proving Walmart's lying to federal investigators with intent to defame me and obstruct justice, nothing was done. End the massive gross systematic corporate corruption that strips our great American citizen/ Walmart workers of their civil and human rights, right to justice under the law, and their very honor and dignity. "No American Citizen Should Have to Live and Work With a Fear in Their Heart of Reporting Abuse of Another Human Being in the Workplace."