To: Bill Simon, President & CEO Walmart U.S. and Mike Duke, Walmart President & CEO
Walmart: Label GMOs
We will not shop at Walmart until you label your products containing GMOs.
Why is this important?
Walmart, America's largest distributor of GMO foods, has GMO labels on their products in the UK, India, China and other countries. Walmart is the largest distributor of genetically modified foods in the U.S. We have seen our children's health improve when we removed GMOs from their diets. Sadly, a large percentage of Americans do not know about GMOs, so we want them labeled! We are doing this for the entire U.S. population that has a right to know. Walmart has a chance to lead the way in America's freedom to choose their family's food by requiring labels here too. When Walmart got rid of RBST in their milk it changed the market. It made a difference for me because I felt I could trust them. I felt like Walmart cared about the welfare of my children and the health of our families. You made a difference before, and you can do it again Walmart! Signed, Moms Across America and supporters of labeling.