To: Jenna Wainaina, Walmart Market Manager

Walmart: Reinstate all workers fired for their activism

We are outraged at Walmart's illegal assault on workers' rights. Management's attempts to intimidate, threaten and terminate Walmart workers who speak out for better pay, more hours, and respect at work are illegal and must end. These actions are an assault on every American's right to come together with others and speak out for a better future. We call on you to end your illegal disciplinary actions and terminations and ask that you immediately reinstate all Walmart workers who were fired for simply exercising their rights.

Why is this important?

Americans believe in speaking up when something’s wrong -- and the freedom to act together to make things right. But when we as Walmart workers came together to do just that, Walmart responded by firing and disciplining six workers at our store. It’s wrong for Walmart, America’s biggest company, to punish us for exercising our legally protected rights.

I stood up with my coworkers, because I wanted to make Walmart a better place to shop and work. I just want to be able to support my family without relying on government assistance. Walmart responded by firing me, but my coworkers and I are still fighting for our rights.

