To: Dru Nix, South Carolina High School League, Tyler Ann Smith, Wando High School Cheerleading Coach, Mark Buchman, Assistant Athletic Director, Wando High School, Robert Woody, Assistant Principal 9th Grade Academy, Wando High School, Lucy...

Wando Athletics: Only High School students should be allowed to participate in High School activ...

Recently at Wando High School in Mount Pleasant cheerleading tryouts were held for the 2014-2015 school year. An invitation was sent to the feeder middle schools in Mount Pleasant to alert the rising 7 and 8 grade students that they were eligible to cheer on the high school Junior Varsity squad. Four returning cheerleaders from the 2013-2014 school year were essentially kicked off the squad and their spots given to 7th and 8th grade students.

Why is this important?

I believe only high school students should be allowed to participate in high school sponsored activities. Our children are forced to grow up way too fast and allowing a middle school student to participate in high school activities is just more exposure to children being allowed to participate in non age-appropriate activities. Also, why should a 7th grader be able to play high school sports for 6 years? Middle School children will be given their chance to compete for positions in high school when they are IN HIGH SCHOOL. Until then, the spots should be given only to students that are enrolled IN THAT SCHOOL! It is not fair to the students who want to show spirit and participate in their school's program and activities that the spots are given to children not enrolled in that school. If they want to participate in these programs they should do so at their school with children their age.