To: The Warren County Freeholder Board, Freeholder Director

Warren County Freeholders: Please Keep Warren Haven Public.

For more than 180 years, Warren Haven has provided excellent long-term nursing home care for the aged and frail residents of Warren County. Warren Haven has stood the test of time, operating as a public, nonprofit facility. Throughout some of our nation's most difficult times—the Civil War, two World Wars, and the Great Depression—Warren Haven has remained steadfast in its mission.
Now, in this most recent of economic downturns, the freeholders are considering unsettling changes to close a budget gap at the home. Recently, dietary, laundry, and housekeeping services have been outsourced. Further remedies under consideration include the sale of the home to a for-profit, private nursing home operator. We urge the freeholders to keep the home a public, nonprofit institution for the generation of residents currently at the home, and the generations to come.

Why is this important?

My mother, aunt and several friends are, or have been, residents at Warren Haven. Warren Haven is an excellent, compassionate, long term, sub-acute health care facility. It is currently in danger of being privatized and the Warren Haven Family Council is petitioning the Freeholder board to keep the facility public and non-profit.