Please give your support by signing this petition. We need to STAND UP for the pets and animals who are being cruelly targeted by the uneducated people of Warren County TN.
Why is this important?
Animals are treated like trash there and some of the folks in Warren County do not care... they are thrown away, abandoned, abused, kicked, shot, hit with bats, starved to death, poisoned, beaten. Dogs are left chained with no access to food or water, thrown from moving vehicles, and when families move they leave behind their animals behind with no one ever arrested. Cats and kittens are killed, left in bags on the road to be ran over, drowned and abused. Horses are starved and killed, one even dragged behind a vehicle. What part of that is ok? None that I know of!!
Unfortunately, this goes on daily in that area.....We who love animals must stand up and say NO MORE!. Because, sadly there is NOTHING the law enforcement departments will do to help.