To: Governor Eric Holcomb

Warrens Law

Stop Law Enforcement from using drug addicted Confidential Informants to do their jobs. When the Law Enforcement should be doing it themselves, instead of creating more addicts, and drugs on the streets. Making them think they are invincible enough to kill innocent people.

Why is this important?

My brother ( Warren L. Griffin), was murdered and robbed, February 3, 2013. By people that should have already been in prison, but they think they are invincible CI'S, for Connersville Indiana. Fayette County, they think that they can get away with murder. The police in this small town just keep making things worse, by letting drug addicts that get into trouble right back out to tell on people so they will stay out of trouble. Well in this case and many others these CI'S killed my brother, and no telling how many others. This has got to stop! Cops should do their jobs without putting drug addicts back out on the street to do their jobs for them. This has gotten way out of control. No informant should be a drug addict. There is no boundaries for a drug addicted informant. There is no ending to this process, because snitches/ci's keep snitching on one another to feed their own addiction. Also at the same time innocent people are getting hurt, hospitalized or in my brothers case killed. Only keeping drug addicted snitches/ci's on the streets instead of in prison where they belong. Which is only making society plus their addiction beyond control. Making them think they can get away with anything. Please sign, and help me put a stop to this. We Are The People. We have to stand united to put a stop to this nonsense. Is there JUSTICE or is it JUST US??
