100 signatures reached
To: James Adamson, CEO
Water birth at Mountain View Hospital in Idaho Falls, ID
Provide an evidence-based Water Birth Policy for Mothers birthing at Mountain View Hospital.
Why is this important?
Women who give birth at Mountain View Hospital in Idaho Falls, ID should have the option of Water Birth. The hospital's policy is that women are welcome to labor in the tubs provided, but are to leave before or when pushing begins. This cannot be forced upon you, but if you want to give birth in the water, which has many benefits and a great safety record, this should be welcomed with trained staff alongside you. It is a very safe option for pain management and comfort during labor as well as a gentle beginning for baby. Many women would labor longer without medication if this was an option which could shorten the time of side effects and risks of those medications. It will allow the opportunity for amazing birth experiences for those who choose to birth this way. I have not seen evidence of a written policy and would like one to be implemented.