To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

We are all immigrants.

We the undersigned are encouraged by recent discussions regarding immigration reform and ask that you, as our representatives in the federal government, support the following :
1. An affordable pathway to citizenship for all those currently in the US without a history of felony conviction , regardless of their country of origin or current documentation status.
2. Prioritize, in such a pathway,
a) those with legal residency and non-expired visas
b) Minor children of undocumented adults along with their parents and grandparents.
3. Children born in the US should be entitled to all the same rights as other natural born citizens regardless of their parental immigration status, including in-state tuition discounts.
4. Support The Dream Act which calls for legalization of the immigration status of those brought to the US as children before they were 16 years old and who have resided at least 5 consecutive years in the US

Why is this important?

11 of us met in Delray Beach FL recently to discuss our support for immigration reform and how it should look. This is what we came up with and decided to create a petition for others to be able to join us with our directives to our elected officials in DC. We all shared our immigrant histories from recent immigrants to many generations and all agreed that current immigrants deserved respect for their contributions to our country and a pathway to citizenship.