To: Shawn Hannity, Fox News TV host

We are the voice for those without one

Proctor and Gamble is called to support the voice of women! As we are your greatest customers, stand with us as women, and say NO to Shawn Hannity for encouraging underage young girls to consent to sexual activity with older men!

Why is this important?

Women must stand together with our dollar and our voice! When someone encourages,minamizes,and disreguards through their position and public forum the
moral duty we as people have to our young women then all of us must say NO!
We vote as women( mostly because we are the main purchasers) with every dollar we spend. Think about that for a moment.....when we say NO with our dollers then companies listen. So Procter and Gamble are continuing to support Sean Hannity and his disreguard of our young womens safety by encouraging them to consent to sexual activity with older men.....because Mary was a teenager.....Insanity Hannity!!!
Procert and Gamble stop supporting this behavoir because we as the Americian consumer vote with our dollars and we as people knowing our moral duty to the young are watching your behavior!
