To: The United States House of Representatives

We can't stop until there is a bully protocol in EVERY school.

Bullying in schools is a huge issue; it has led to our youth having poor attendance in school, poor self esteem, self-injurious behaviors and, most drastically, committing suicide. We must have a protocol in every school nationwide that holds everyone to the same standards. If we can do it with their education, we can do it with their emotional needs too!

Why is this important?

I have not been personally affected by bullying; however, I do work with children who have been bullied at school or in their community. The effects of bullying on these young lives is horrible. These children fear going to school, which should be a safe place to learn and grow. These children live in fear of their bullies and learn to self hate. Bullying is an issue that needs to be stopped; we need to build up our youth NOT let them tear each other apart. Maybe if our youth learned how to be more respectful, kind and accepting of others' differences from the start, in their adulthood there could be less hate.