To: Governor Charlie Baker

We demand an independent investigation of the Massachusetts Department of Corrections

Due to decades of observations and credible reports of inhumane, immoral and illegal practices and policies that are creating an unsafe environment for those incarcerated and DOC staff; that are causing emotional, physical and medical harm to those incarcerated; that are detrimental to true rehabilitation; and that are causing a high rate of recidivism; we the undersigned tax-paying citizens of Massachusetts call on Governor Baker to create an independent task force to investigate the policies, procedures and personnel of the Department of Corrections and to make reforms deemed necessary to ensure that the Department of Corrections will fulfill it's mandate and mission in a manner that is humane, effective and legal in accordance with best practices in prison reform and with the International Declaration of Human Rights.

Why is this important?

We are creating this petition due to decades-long observations and credible reports of inhumane, unethical and illegal policies and practices by various personnel and departments of the Department of Corrections, leading to the detriment of those individuals incarcerated and the communities to which they return.