To: The United States House of Representatives

We Demand Hearings on the legality and the eligibility of Natural Born Citizen of Mr. Obama,

We DEMAND that the House of representatives Hold hearings on the legality and the eligibility of Natural Born Citizen of Mr. Obama, now President of the United States, using none other then the Guidelines of the Constitution of the United States, Using The Law as written for a Natural Born Citizen as stated clearly in Our Constitution of this United States, this needs to be completed Before the swearing in of the President and for the Previous term which was to be concluded upon the findings of Law enforcement agency within this United States, this must be ruled upon for President Obama second term, It is widely known that their has been an investigation by the sheriff department Cold Case Unit stating the Filed documents used to inform the Public are a fraud, a computer generated illusion to show a fraud, to manufacture evidence!

We want made Public, True Official Records of each his Social Security Number as to how and where he got a Connecticut Social Security number belonging to a deceased person, Facts President Obama never lived in that state of Connecticut or visited that state till his campaign to become President of Our United States, also as a Public servant, We want made Public, President Obama Collage entrance applications for each collage he attended and opened the records to the Public and to the House of representatives and Senate for Impeachment Hearings, also Mr. Obama’s High School records, including application to enter and Middle School Application and all applications to enter pubic and/or other type of schools when he began schooling as a child, No Public servant has a right to seal and hide his personal record.

When found to be that President Obama application is found to be a fraud to enter into the Presidential race and other signed documents found to be of a fraudulent nature, for that office and any other office which is necessary to be a citizen, we as the citizens of this United States demand that Mr. Obama be charged criminally if found for perjury, lying under oath, forgery, falsification of records to get to the Highest office in the United States, and charged with Treason, which is the Largest Betrayal of the Highest public office in the United States!

As all Attorneys know the foundation in Law and its consequences to the facts of there manufacturing records to infiltrate into the highest level of Government, Mr. Obama a license attorney, learned in Law, has no excuse in knowing the true penalty of manipulating the law, knowing the consequences to these actions, which include opening Government records to Terrorist groups allowing them to attack the System within the United States, If found guilty in these proceedings, the punishment should fit the crimes, which is written, dictated in our constitution, this is what the Public demands, No Less.

The United States has become the laughing stock of the international community it is an embarrassment to all full blooded Americans, and a disgrace to humanity for any person to commit this type of fraud against any Country. We want this completed before the swearing in of the new president in January, this is an easy case it should take no more then a few days, if it is to go past that date of the swearing in the President and Vice President, then it is the Vice President that we demand to complete all the duties of the office of Presidency till the hearings are concluded.

We demand that all President Obama signed into law and all executive orders be stricken from the records from the day that President Obama took office till the day of the President is found Guilty,

We also want an investigation into the President Obama ordering the United States Attorney General not to defend laws which were questioned before the Supreme Court, Example, the Marriage Act, with other cases before that Court, By President Obama ordered the United States Attorney General not to defend is a criminal act it is a disgrace against the Citizens of this country as each was signed into law, Voted by each and approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate of our United States.

We will hold the House of Representatives and the Senate of our United States accountable if they do not follow the Laws of this United States as written and enacted, the Laws are clear and complete, the task is easy and simple, and there is no room for debate, there is no room to agree to disagree, there are only the fine points written within the Constitution which each Senator and/or congressmen and/or women took to secure each office, the oath to defend and Protect The Constitution of the United States for better or worse. To defend the Citizens of this country, whether they like it or not.

God Bless America!

Why is this important?

We DEMAND the House of representatives Hold hearings on the legality and the eligibility of Natural Born Citizen of Mr. Obama, now President of the United States, using none other then the Guidelines of the Constitution of the United States, We need to deliver one Million (1,000,000) signatures for the house to comply, must be on or before January 2, 2013 to the Speaker of the House! Mr. John Boehner
God Bless America!
