To: The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer
We Know What You Are Up to Governor Snyder!
We the students and faculty of Wayne County Community College District want you to know, “We know what you’re doing with your latest plan for the state takeover of the public schools in Detroit.” First, you are playing the old shell game with "NewCo" or "new company" and "the Detroit Public Schools," “OldCo” or old company. Second, you are loading up the public schools with debt to assure their failure so you can get rid of the unions, and finally, all of this is being done to allow your cronies in Charter Schools, which are for-profit schools, to line their pockets while simultaneously interfering with the democratic voting base by creating a school to prison pipeline through the deliberate "dumbing down" of curriculum.
Why is this important?
I am starting this position because the people of Detroit are being robbed of their constitutional rights as the state takes them over.