To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

We must demand that Trump release his taxes!

The American public must raise a hue and cry and CALL OUR SENATORS now to pass S2979, the Presidential Tax Transparency Act, to force Trump to release his taxes before the November 8 election. Google to find your Senators.

Why is this important?

One way or the other, Trump MUST release his tax returns before the November election--so the American people can see what shows up that might impact his decisions if he is elected President. Although Obama has the authority to release Trump's tax returns, It is unlikely that he will do so. Our only hope is to raise a hue and cry and CALL OUR SENATORS NOW to demand that they pass S.2979, the Presidential Tax Transparency Act, to force Trump to release them.

Paul Ryan says Trump should release his tax returns

All the excuses Trump has given for why he will not release his tax returns

Yes He Can: Obama Absolutely Has The Authority to Release Donald Trump’s Tax Returns

YouTube: Elizabeth Warren on Trump Taxes