To: The United States Senate

We must put an end to a law Jeb Bush signed into law in 1997 that's robbing this country blind.

In the late 90's Jeb Bush passed a law in Florida that allowed Casinos to go 3 miles off the Fl shoreline to open up with no regulations, no background checks on employees or employers, no one monitoring the activities of what is going on these boats. Most of all the GOV Ric Scott or the GOV before him Charlie Christ who all have done or did nothing to put a stop to this, the FBI in Miami, Fl claims it's not in their jurisdiction, and State Representative Mark Rubio who may claim he knows nothing about this all are not tellng the truth I have proof to show that I called them and warned them what's happening. They.even had one casino flying the Bahamanian flag that was the now defunct Sterling Casino in Cape Canaveral that was allowed to go to the Bahamas once a month with no one looking into what they were exporting or importing from that country. Have several people willing to come forth about all this.

Have people who taught me about table games ethics show how incompentant these people are

Why is this important?

To stop a law Jeb Bush passed that allowed casino to go 3 miles off the Fl shoreline, Ga shoreline, and SC shoreline which followed Jeb Bush lead. Yes I was effected by this law when the company I worked for Suncruz Casino closed down with no warning and reopened under new names. I was making close to $45,000 a yr and until someone brought to the attention of the IRS I made $close to $9,000 in 2005.
