To: James Sargent, Superintendent of Yosemite Unified School District, Monika Moulin, President, YUSD School Board, and Cecilia Massetti, Madera County Superintendent of Schools

We Need An After School Program for Yosemite Unified School Children

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Reinstate parent-pay after-school childcare programs at Coarsegold and Rivergold Elementary Schools.

Why is this important?

The families in my district, Yosemite Unified School District , have no afterschool care for our elementary school children when school ends at 2:30. This makes life very difficult for the kids with working parents, many of whom don’t have a place to go between the time school ends and their working/commuting parents get home in the evening. Every other district in Madera County offers school-based after school care for their elementary school children. Yosemite Unified School District should reinstate a parent-pay after-school childcare program at Coarsegold and Rivergold Elementary Schools.