To: Waterford Union High School and Governor Tony Evers

We NEED Cheaper AND Healthier Lunch Options!

Help bring back state funding for Waterford Union High School's lunch program. They denied the state's food requirements and refused state funding at the start of this year. Sign this petition to help make lunches cheaper and healthier for the students.

Why is this important?

At the start of this year, Waterford Union High School elected to opt out of the state's lunch program requirements, which automatically meant that they would no longer receive state funding to help offset the cost of food. As a result, food options have been a lot more unhealthy and more expensive.

Wait a minute, junk food for more money? What?!?

A decent lunch with an entree and milk is now about $5 a lunch ($5*5days*4weeks=$100/month) when it used to be about $3.50 a lunch ($3.50*5days*4 weeks = $70/month). That is a rough 42.8℅ increase compared to what it was before. Also, the excess money accumulated is used to help profit the school and cover free and reduced lunches, which have now been reduced to a mere side salad, slice of pizza, or hamburger with a carton of milk. There is no longer a salad bar, which used to offer fruits and vegetables.

Even though I will not go there next year, let's show Waterford that this isn't the desirable option for our wallets or for our children. Sign this petition!