To: The Utah State House, The Utah State Senate, and Governor Gary R. Herbert

WE NEED House Bill 256! (Formerly HB148 in 2013)

House Bill 148 CAN SAVE A LIFE! Allow our adopted children access to their medical history!

Why is this important?

As a Birthmother to two children I am asking you to please vote FOR House Bill 256- allow adoptee adults access to their family medial history, THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!

Also as a Birthmother, I ask you to please vote FOR house Bill 256- allow birthparents in the future the option to actually have a true legal OPEN adoption for the first time in 74 years! The time has come to allow people to choose for themselves and stop forcing upon them no choice.

Under HB 256 (last year the version we tried to pass was 148- this year it is 256.) a Birthmother could elect to make other information, including an updated medical history, available for inspection by a party to the adoption or adult adoptee, if she makes the election in writing. *** There should not be any questions here- the lack of this opportunity to date is disturbing. Many medical conditions come into play long after a child has been placed for adoption- updating our medial history for our children's health and well being is a NECESSITY. Unfortunately the change to the bill means that it only has the opportunity to help adoptees born 2015 and beyond, or before 3/23/1941 when Utah chose to make all adoptions ONLY closed (WHO IN THE WORLD KNOWS WHY!!!!!!!?) Adult Adoptees should have rights; the right to updated medical history, the right to their adoption records if their birthparents chose to give access to them, the right to contact their birhtparents if their birthparents chose to give access to their contact information. Why in Utah is the law standing in the way even when "agreements" are made insinuating this should be automatically available with so called "Open adoptions"? The deceipt and the falsification of "Open" and "Semi-open" adoption must stop in Utah. It only opens the door for the fraudulent trading of children as a commodity. (LINK TO THE BILL)

most sincerely,
Sarah Boynton
Birthmother, Mother, Wife and Advocate House Bill 256
