To: The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, and Governor Henry McMaster

We need Medicaid expansion in SC

The decision of state politicians to refuse the expansion of Medicare under the terms of the Affordable Care Act is counter-productive. Many medically needy people will be without care, which will affect our already poor infant mortality rates, the chronically unemployed of which our state has too many, those with addictions and mental health issues, and the very poor. Please reconsider the ill advised decision to opt out of the Medicaid expansion program in the interest of the health of our citizens. Please join me in appealing to our political leadership to review their position and choose to go with the majority of the states in expanding services to the needy.

Why is this important?

As a social worker and native of South Carolina, I have seen first hand the consequences of our under-funded health and mental health systems. The entire state will be harmed by failing to accept funds available under the Affordable Care Act to extend services to more poor citizens, especially in light of cuts in the state budget over the past few years.