To: The North Carolina State House and Governor Roy Cooper

We Oppose a Voter I.D. Law that Disenfranchises Voters

Dear Governor McCrory, Speaker Tillis, and President Pro Tem Berger,
We, the undersigned concerned voters of North Carolina, oppose any voter I.D. law that invalidates the right of even one eligible voter to cast his or her ballot. With the North Carolina Board of Elections reporting that 612,955 registered voters in North Carolina do not have driver's licenses (News & Record 1/15) it is clear that a voter I.D. law will severely impact an enormous amount of North Carolina voters. We urge you to vote "NO" on, or in the Governor's case to VETO, any legislation that has a similar impact. Please know that we are but a fraction of North Carolina voters concerned with this issue and paying close attention to the way it is handled in the North Carolina legislative process. Thank you,

Concerned voters of North Carolina

Why is this important?

North Carolina residents are concerned about proposed so-called "voter I.D." legislation that requires voters to show varying forms of I.D. when they show up to vote. The simple fact that up to hundreds of thousands of voters may become ineligible to vote and that there have been virtually no cases of voter fraud makes it imperative that we protest such a law.