50,000 signatures reached
To: President of the United States, Secretary General of the United Nations, Local, State, and Federal Elected Leaders
We Sign On to Uphold the Paris Agreement!
The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty aimed at stopping the rise in global temperatures to prevent catastrophic climate change.
In 2017, Donald Trump announced he was pulling the United States out of the Paris Agreement in a major blow to our role in combating the climate crisis. After a concerted effort, the U.S. re-committed to the Paris Agreement in 2021—but experts worry that Trump’s return to the White House means retreating from the Paris Agreement once again, throwing global efforts to decrease warming into further instability and chaos.
While governments hold significant responsibility, the success of the Paris Agreement depends on all of us. In signing this petition, we are not merely urging elected officials to act—we are committing ourselves to the goals of the Paris Agreement, regardless of political shifts. We pledge to support and implement solutions in our own communities, to demand accountability from our leaders, and to build momentum that ensures the promise of the Paris Agreement is fulfilled.
This is not just a call to action; it is a declaration. Together, we will lead, innovate, and inspire at every level—from households to city halls, from small businesses to state capitals. We will work tirelessly to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement, showing that our commitment to protecting the environment does not hinge on the whims of one leader, but on the will of the people.
Add your name to stand with us in this shared commitment to climate action.
Why is this important?
We hold it as a fundamental truth that every person has a right to a livable planet. A healthy environment is not merely a condition of existence but the foundation upon which all other rights exist. Preservation of this foundation, therefore, is more than just a practical necessity; it is a moral obligation and a collective responsibility.
Governments, established to protect the rights of the People, are thus charged with safeguarding the environment as a foundation of those rights. Through their collective efforts, governments can achieve what individuals cannot so readily achieve themselves, including the stewardship of natural systems—air, water, biodiversity—that transcend borders and generations. However, when governments fail to fulfill this obligation, the duty to act is not relinquished but reverts to the people, who remain dependent upon and inseparable from their environment.
The Paris Agreement represents a global promise by governments to fulfill their moral obligation by restoring and preserving our most foundational right—the right to a livable planet.
Failure to uphold the promises of the Paris Agreement represents a dereliction of government’s most sacred duty. Yet default on this debt does not mean it is forgiven, for the obligation to protect the environment is intransmutable and demands fulfillment regardless of government default. Rather, in the face of inaction, this debt reverts to the People.
And so, the burden of this sacred obligation falls to us. It is not enough to wait for leaders to act or to defer this duty to future generations. In the face of inaction, we must rise as stewards of the Earth, bound by a shared commitment to protect the foundation of life itself.
Therefore, we sign on to the Paris Agreement. We sign on to demand that our leaders honor their commitments under the Paris Agreement and take steps to fulfill its promise. We sign on to call upon our states, cities, and local communities to lead where nations have not, proving that action at every level can drive global change. We sign on because the absence of leadership cannot become an excuse for abdication, because the urgency of this moment cannot be ignored, because a future where prosperity and sustainability go hand in hand is not just an aspiration but an imperative.
By joining together, we affirm that the Paris Agreement is not just a document but a framework to restore and preserve our most foundational right—that of a livable planet. It is the people—acting with hope, clarity, and purpose—who will meet this challenge, and by our joint efforts, ensure that humanity’s obligations do not go unmet.