To: Andrea L. Boone, Atlanta City councilwoman, Michael Julian Bond, Atlanta City Councilman, Matt Westmoreland, Atlanta City Councilman, Andre Dickens, Atlanta City Councilman, Carla Smith, Atlanta City Councilwoman, Amir R. Farokhi, Atlant...


We support the rezoning of the Rosalie Wright Elementary School in SW Atlanta from residential to office/Institutional as required for a new owner.

We are asking city Council to approve this zoning change as this new use would provide training and job creation for our youth.

Why is this important?

Hello, Bop TV Supporters and Viewers,

Rosalie Wright Elementary School in SW Atlanta has sat empty for approx. 10 years.

BOP TV would like to take this abandoned building and turn it into a Media/Arts/Technology training center, offices and TV studio.

We need to get our kids off the street! Lets do something more to help stop the prison Pipeline!This Transformation will help undeserved Atlanta residents by providing access to technology and a growing film industry. I Have created a petition to Andrea L. Boone, Atlanta City councilwoman, Michael Julian Bond, Atlanta City Councilman, and 14 others.

How you Can Help...
Will you sign this petition?.....  It wont take long

Thanks so much!

Michael Campbell