To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

We The People

We, the people, in order to form a more equal and Democratic government set forth these laws, for the governance of this nation.
1. All money, items, stocks and perks from Lobbyists and Special Interests to Congressmen, Senators and Representatives at all levels of the government must be immediately passed into the Federal or State Treasury for the purpose of lowering the deficit.
2. No Congressman, Senator, Representative or their assigns or immediate family may purchase stock or be involved with any hedge fund or serve on the Boards of any Company in any way that may benefit them through laws they may pass or veto.
3. All Public Officials save the President and Vice President shall utilize public transportation, coach class regarding air flights to remain in contact with his constituents.
4. No Member of the House or Senate may vote in a raise for themselves. Such raises that they receive shall be only granted in the years in which Social Security receives a COLA and must be ratified by the voters in their individual states. If We, The People, decide you have been working in OUR Interests, you will receive a raise.
We the People

Why is this important?

Demand Eqaulity in our Government. We, the people need to be respresented at all levels of the government, not just the Corporations and the Banks. It is time we let our voices be known.