To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

We The People

It is time that we the people had a voice in our government instead of giving the power to a house and senate that dont have our best interests at heart. On important issues that affect our well being as americans in a democracy we need to have the right to vote. A major issue is increasing the tax on the wealthy. Both democrats and republicans have expressed that this is what we need to do but our representatives in the house and senate are not listening. We cannot solve our economic problems by just cutting programs. This is absurd. Big corporations are getting tax breaks in this country while outsourcing jobs and making big profits overseas while there is no job creation here. Isn"t that the reason for the tax breaks. I am scared at what is happening to our country and the middle class in this country. This cannot go on or we are going to go down the tubes. General Electric made something like 14 billion dollars last year of which only 5 billion was made in the USA and they paid no taxes. Are we crazy?

Why is this important?

large corportations who dont pay taxes in this country or provide jobs in this country who get tax breaks. this is a democracy let the people vote on this issue as it is we the people, expecially the middle class in this country who is paying