People around the world, go outside at first dark on Jan. 1st and light a candle or cellphone FOR: UNITY, EQUALITY, SUSTAINABLE HEALTH OF OUR PLANET AND ALL LIVING THINGS, END TO GUN VIOLENCE, PEACE, and LOVE!
Why is this important?
Our world has become numb to the ongoing tragedies and it is time for a good, old fashioned, peaceful, UPRISING! My hope is that people will agree and go outside and start a conversation with their neighbors and this will grow into a global conversation. The space station will film the lights turning on as it orbits the globe and this will be the sign of our collective voice for the above ideals, one our leaders simply cannot ignore.
Please look at my Facebook page for the logo and other news regarding WE THE PEOPLE DAY. I very much appreciate the help and support from!
Robert Dover
U.S, Olympic Team Coach