To: Council Member James Babcock, Canton City Council Member, Council Member Joseph Cole, Canton City Council Member, Council Member Gregory Hawk, Canton City Council Member, Council Member Thomas West, Canton City Council Member, Council Me...

We the people of Canton demand that the City Council Votes to Terminate Phil Sedlacko's Contract ...

The Canton City Council are voting on whether to continue Phil Sedlacko's contract as Animal Control Officer to deal with the city's Feral Cats. In light of the video capturing Deputy Sedlacko abusing an injured dog while on duty at the Stark County Animal Shelter we the voters of Canton will not accept him as a solution to the handling the feral cats of Canton. We want the animals handling in a humane manner and not to suffer as the dog did by his gross misconduct. We support the T/N/R method of controlling the Feral Cat population and demand the City does, too!

Why is this important?

The City of Canton is deciding whether to continue Phil Sedlacko's Contract as an Animal Control Officer to control the Feral Cat population. Phil Sedlacko is not an acceptable candidate in light of his treatment of animals in the past. The people of Canton want the animals to be treated humanely and controlled by a Trap/Neuter/Return policy. (ONLY CANTON RESIDENTS CAN SIGN THIS PETITION)
